A Marine’s Family Surprises Him with a Heartwarming Gift, His Reaction is Priceless.

Transitioning from military service to civilian life can be a challenging journey, especially for our brave veterans. Many struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as the intense experiences and stress from their time in service continue to affect their daily lives. These struggles can manifest in various ways such as nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety, and depression.

One Marine, Peter Coukoulis, found it tough to adjust to life in Tallahassee, Florida, after serving in the military for almost three years. The 26-year-old battled with the effects of PTSD on a daily basis, causing concern for his family who witnessed his suffering. To bring some joy and comfort to her son this Christmas, Peter’s mother, Dena, came up with a heartwarming surprise – a cute little puppy!

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Coukolis was in for a special surprise a few weeks before Christmas when his mother gathered the family together. The Marine seemed to have an inkling of what was in store when he laid eyes on the box adorned with a large red bow.
As he lifted the lid and discovered the adorable Beagle waiting inside, tears welled up in his eyes. The puppy instantly brought him a sense of happiness, and his family’s prayers for a source of comfort to help with his depression were finally answered.

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Dena expressed how the new puppy has brought joy into Peter’s life, especially after a challenging three years. A heartfelt thank you goes out to Mr. Coukolis for his service in defending our freedoms. Don’t forget to watch the heartwarming moment below and share it with a loved one!

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