Jennifer Aniston recently showcased the outcome of her committed health and fitness routine through a collection of bikini snapshots. The 53-year-old actress took to Instagram to share photos from her recent beach getaway with her buddies, which included her Horrible Bosses co-star Jason Bateman and his wife Amanda Anka. In the pictures, the Friends alum, known for her consistent exercise and meditation practices, appeared sun-kissed and fit as she enjoyed the sunshine with her friends at an undisclosed beach destination.
Vacation Vibes: Jennifer Aniston flaunts her toned physique in a collection of bikini snapshots from her latest beach getaway with friends. One pic captures her lounging on the sand, casually taking a selfie while she soaks up the sun. Another shot features the star basking in the sun in her stylish black and red bikini, complete with a chic wide-brimmed hat covering her face. Despite three decades in the spotlight, Jennifer has managed to maintain her enviable size 2 figure. In a recent interview with First For Women magazine, the Morning Show actress spilled the beans on her health and wellness tips.
It’s time to catch some rays: In the photos, the actor from Friends, who loves her daily workout routines and meditation practices, had a healthy tan and fit physique while enjoying the sunshine at an undisclosed beach location.
The 5ft5in model revealed that she maintains a healthy diet by starting her mornings with warm lemon water and attending climbing classes on her stair climber. However, she emphasized that her favorite part of the day is when she takes time out to meditate. In a section titled Curbs Cravings: Breakfast with a Twist, the gorgeous blonde stated, “During quarantine, I discovered my love for cooking.” The talented actress mentioned, “I usually begin my day with warm lemon water followed by a protein shake or avocado with eggs. I’ve experimented with various egg recipes and found ways to enjoy them in every form.” She went on to share, “Sometimes I like to add a whipped egg white into my oatmeal for extra protein. Just whisk it in right before the oatmeal finishes cooking – it creates a fluffy texture that is simply delicious.”
Everyone enjoyed themselves: The 53-year-old actress took to Instagram on Monday to post some snapshots from her recent beach trip with her friends, which included her co-star from Horrible Bosses, Jason Bateman (shown on the right with Aniston on the left).
Sun goddess vibes: This past summer, the quirky gal blessed us with a selfie sporting a stylish hat.
Feeling down: The Emmy award-winning star was captured in a photo with Amanda Anka, who is not only an actress but also a producer married to Jason Bateman.
During a chat with Radio Times to promote her role on Apple TV+’s The Morning Show, Aniston shared how intermittent fasting has transformed her life. She follows a variation of IF known as the 16:8 diet.
She mentioned, “I practice intermittent fasting, so I skip breakfast, and I’ve noticed a significant difference in fasting for 16 hours without food.” When it comes to her fitness regime, Aniston emphasized the importance of mixing things up and trying out different workouts to keep her muscles on their toes.
Aniston has managed to maintain her size 2 figure well into her 50s, a feat that has left many in awe. She revealed that her secret is working out at Rise Nation, a fitness climbing cardio class that utilizes the stair climber. Aniston, who is best friends with Courteney Cox and Sandra Bullock, praised the workout as excellent.
Despite her initial reluctance to using a jump rope during her training sessions with Leyon, Aniston eventually mastered it after six months of practice. She now finds joy in jumping rope, a stark difference from her early struggles. Aniston also treats herself to a weekly mini facial and finds solace in meditation, describing it as her favorite time of the day.
In addition to her fitness routine, Aniston enjoys practicing yoga, quiet contemplation, and writing to maintain a sense of calm. Surprisingly, she finds washing dishes to be relaxing and takes pleasure in keeping her kitchen neat and organized. Living with her three dogs—Clyde, Sophie, and Lord Chesterfield—in her Bel-Air mansion, Aniston has recently wrapped up filming Murder Mystery 2 with Adam Sandler in France and Hawaii.
In the early days: The siren on the left side in the debut season of Friends alongside David Schwimmer (middle) and Courteney Cox (right side).
The busy actress, Aniston, was spotted filming Murder Mystery 2 alongside Adam Sandler in picturesque locations like France and Hawaii.