Jennifer Aniston shared a throwback video on social media on Sunday night reflecting on her past year. The 54-year-old actress, known for her role in The Morning Show and famous for being the ex-wife of Justin Theroux, looked absolutely stunning in a glamorous outfit from March 2023. She rocked a sparkly champagne-colored dress that perfectly showed off her toned figure, topped off with a cozy white shawl while posing on a boat at night. This chic look was from her press tour for Murder Mystery 2 in Paris, where she sparkled on screen alongside her co-star Adam Sandler.
On Sunday evening, Jennifer Aniston took to her social media to reflect on the past year by sharing a compilation video.
The Morning Show star, who is 54 years old, looked absolutely stunning in a particular outfit she wore in March 2023. Sharing the look with her 45.2 million followers, Aniston bid farewell to 2023 with a waving hand emoji and expressed her gratitude with praying hands emoji and a red heart. She ended her message with a simple ‘Happy New Year!’ Her fans showed their love by liking the post over 376,000 times.
In another striking look, the actress rocked a beaded silver mini dress that featured intricate details. She flaunted her toned arms and legs in the sexy outfit, with her honey blonde-highlighted hair flowing over her chest. One photo captured an assistant helping her put on matching silver high-heel shoes before an event. An outtake also showed her waving to the camera as she got into a luxurious black SUV.
One of the stunning looks we saw the actress pull off this year was a dazzling silver mini dress adorned with intricate beading.
This year, Jen had a great time hanging out with her close group of girlfriends, including her dear friend and former co-star from Friends, Courteney Cox.
In a brief moment, Jen lounged comfortably in a luxurious white robe, sporting aviator glasses for a cool and laid-back look.
In one snapshot, Jen settled down and relaxed as she eased her feet into a foot massager.
Aniston’s departure in 2023 follows reports that intimacy coordinators are advising her to consider their assistance, even though she previously declined help during a steamy scene with Jon Hamm due to her being ‘old-fashioned.’
The actress admitted feeling uncomfortable discussing the coordination of the intimate scene with Hamm on The Morning Show.
The professionals in charge of intimacy coordination stated that Aniston is not well-acquainted with their role and urged her to support their presence on set to create a more comfortable environment for everyone involved.
In an interview with, Samantha J McDonald, a certified coach in Intimacy Directors & Coordinators, expressed her hope that Aniston would be receptive to learning more about the role of an Intimacy Coordinator and how beneficial it can be for actors, directors, crew members, writers, and producers.