Jennifer Aniston looked chic and stylish in a white ensemble as she left her hotel in Paris on a Wednesday afternoon. The 54-year-old Friends star wore a white dress with a cream sheer cardigan, accessorized with gold chain necklaces for a simple yet glamorous look. She had her signature blonde hair styled in loose, straight locks and kept her makeup natural. Recently, Jennifer shared insights into her workout routine and self-care strategies for days when she doesn’t get enough sleep.
Glamorous: Jennifer Aniston looked stunning in white as she left her Paris hotel in the city of love on a Wednesday afternoon. Her daily routine involves meditation, exercise, and staying hydrated with plenty of water. However, she doesn’t push herself too hard during workouts after a bad night’s sleep to avoid any injuries, as she believes rest is crucial for both body and mind.
In an interview with InStyle, the Morning Show actress emphasized the importance of a good night’s sleep, calling it “extraordinary and beautiful.” Aniston has joined forces with the Seize the Night & Day program to raise awareness about insomnia and offer support and resources to those struggling with sleep issues.
The actress, known for her upcoming film Murder Mystery 2, stressed that adequate sleep is essential for overall health, as the body repairs and replenishes itself during the night. Reflecting on her younger years when she could survive on minimal sleep, Aniston now realizes the value of a good night’s rest and how it impacts performance and well-being.
Today, Jennifer Aniston focuses on prioritizing quality sleep to ensure she can function at her best in all aspects of life.
During a recent outing, the 54-year-old Friends star dressed in a white gown and cream sheer cardigan while leaving her accommodation with her group of friends. In an interview with InStyle, Jennifer also mentioned two of her famous friends. She revealed that her co-star in The Morning Show, Reese Witherspoon, often seeks her advice on wellness. Jennifer shared, “Reese likes to come to me and ask, ‘What’s new? What recommendations do you have for me?’ I usually share my latest tips and tricks with her.” In addition, Jennifer, the founder of her hair care brand LolaVie, mentioned that her friend Jason Bateman, who is admired for his thick and luscious hair with just a few gray strands, is a huge fan of her products. She humorously added, “The guys have snatched up all the samples.”
Jennifer added a touch of glam to her outfit by accessorizing with multiple gold chain necklaces, keeping her overall look simple yet glamorous. The day before, Jennifer appeared in a social media video where she expressed the importance of a good night’s sleep. In the video, she mentioned how a lack of sleep makes her day feel like a struggle and clouds her thoughts. Despite this, Jennifer looked stunning with her blonde hair styled in a side part cascading over her shoulder. She wore a dark green v-neck sweater and light wash jeans, paired with minimal makeup that accentuated her blue eyes with mascara and metallic eyeshadow. The venture Seize the Night & Day by Idorsia Pharmaceuticals aims to help individuals overcome insomnia and reclaim their nights and days, as stated on its official Instagram account.
Fresh: She made an appearance following her discussion about her exercise regimen and self-care habits when she’s had a rough night’s sleep.