Title: Jennifer Aniston Stirs Controversy with Short Dress at the Vatican
Jennifer Aniston caused a stir at the Vatican when she was spotted roaming around in a super short grey dress, raising eyebrows and sparking debate about appropriate attire at the religious site.
Unexpected guest: Jennifer made sure to respectfully cover her shoulders, while confidently flaunting her sun-kissed legs in the sacred space.
Jennifer and Justin were accompanied by a designated guard to assist them as they strolled around, along with their own private security personnel.
Comply with regulations: A notice at St. Peter’s Basilica explicitly states the dress code guidelines for visitors in Vatican City.
The Vatican City seems to have made an exception for the celebrity by allowing her to don a short dress, showing a more lenient stance on their traditional rules.
Up next: Today, Jennifer Aniston was seen in Rome, Italy, rocking a stylish, form-fitting grey dress.
Jennifer was accompanied by her boyfriend Justin Theroux and a few hefty bodyguards while exploring the streets of Rome.
Frequent travelers, Jennifer and Justin, enjoyed seven days exploring the sights of Paris, France, before making their way to Rome for the next leg of their adventure.
Always by each other’s side: The partners have been inseparable, spending more and more time together and even starting to coordinate their outfits.
Parisian elegance: Justin and Jennifer, captured recently, departing from the luxurious Ritz Hotel in Paris clad in stylish black outerwear and denim jeans.